Make Your Mattress More Comfortable Post-Surgery
Surgery is something we hope we never have to get, but it’s always a possibility. 15 million Americans have some kind of surgery every year, and while recovery times and treatments vary, sleep is necessary to help your body recover. But while your mattress might be great for you when you’re healthy, it might not be the most comfortable for this post-surgery recovery period.
Depending on the type of surgery and how long your doctor suggests that you remain in bed, you might need to make some modifications to your bed. This could range from simple, temporary adjustments to replacing your mattress entirely for a long recovery. What’s important is that you plan ahead on how to improve your comfort. This way your bed is ready for you in time for your procedure. Here are a few ways to make your mattress more comfortable post-surgery for you to consider.
Add A Mattress Topper
If your surgery is a simple one with a minimal amount of recovery time, you could easily just add some extra padding to your mattress and call it a day. A mattress pad is an easy way to add cushioning to your mattress, both to soften it or to make it firmer, depending on what your doctor recommends.
The extra padding will help prevent pressure points from forming. Pressure points can be extremely uncomfortable, especially if you’re bed-ridden for much of the day. You don’t need additional aches and pains in your hips, shoulders, and back when you’re already recovering from surgery.
Make A Pillow Barricade
Another way to keep using your regular mattress post-surgery is to add more pillows. These pillows can be used to elevate your back or knees. Many surgeries require you to sleep on your back during the recovery period. Pillows have the added benefit of creating a barrier around you so you don’t shift around in your sleep. Using pillows as a barricade on either side of your body will help keep you from rolling over onto your side in your sleep.
Adjustable Bed Base
If you’re in for a long recovery, or you’re expecting multiple surgeries over the next few years, an adjustable bed base is your best option to help with your recovery. It does all of the things a pillow barricade will do, but can be more easily adjusted with your smart phone rather than needing another person to help you restack the pillows. Plus, pillows can easily be pushed out of position or get squished, so they’re not a viable long term solution.
It’s also a useful option for post-surgery recovery because it’s easier to get out of bed with an adjustable base. Instead of needing to strain your core muscles or have someone help you sit up, the base can automatically shift you upright so you can slide out of bed and get to your feet. This will help you regain a bit of your independence as you recover. This has the added benefit of doing wonders for your mindset post-surgery.
When you’ve got a surgery on the calendar, it’s important to plan ahead for your recovery. Sleeping is an essential part of that, so talk to your doctor about what to expect for this period. Once you know how long you’ll be in bed, you can make your mattress more comfortable for your post-surgery recovery.