Buy Your Mattress In-Store, Not Online

We live in a world where online shopping is fast, convenient, and pretty much instinctual. Groceries, gifts, and home appliances can all be purchased with a click of a button. However, one thing that shouldn’t be bought online is your mattress. It’s more than a piece of furniture; it’s the foundation for a good night’s sleep. So you can’t just buy the first or cheapest mattress you find online. Instead, head to one of Gardner Mattress’ showrooms to shop for your mattress in-store.
A More Personal Result
Your mattress is incredibly personal and deserves to be shopped for in-person. This is an item you’ll be using for roughly eight hours per night over the next ten years. This is the item that, if chosen wrong, can leave you waking up sore in the morning, tired, cranky, and even negatively affect your health. That’s why you need to go to the store to ensure you’re getting the right mattress for you. Don’t brush it off as a purchase you can make online with a few button clicks. Instead, take the time to visit a showroom and really put in the effort to find the perfect mattress for your sleeping position and needs.
Test Out Mattresses for Yourself
Shopping online involves a lot of guesswork. You don’t know the exact texture of the upholstery because you can’t touch it. You don’t know how springy the mattress is because you can’t sit on it. And you certainly don’t know if it supports your whole body because you can’t lay on it. These can only be done by shopping in-store.
Online reviews can only tell you so much about a product and are often subjective. A mattress that one person considers too soft could be too firm for others. That’s why it’s imperative that you test one out for yourself. Only you can truly determine which mattress is comfortable and supportive enough for you.
You Can Ask Specific Questions
A tricky thing about buying online is getting questions answered. Sure, a lot of websites have FAQs or even chatbots designed to answer questions, but there’s no guarantee you’ll get the answer. These systems are designed to answer generic queries rather than questions that are specific to you.
Meanwhile, when you come to a Gardner Mattress showroom, you’ll be face-to-face with the experts. Our staff knows the ins and outs of the various mattresses on the floor, from the firmness to the materials to whether they’re allergen-free. And if they don’t have the answer to your questions about a specific mattress, they can contact the very people who made it at our factory in Salem.
Ready to start shopping? Visit our showrooms in Salem, Woburn, and Needham, MA, or our new location in Boca Raton, FL.