Mattresses And Beds Throughout History

When you picture a mattress, the modern iteration of your own bed likely comes to mind. Rectangular, plush, and large enough for yourself and maybe one other person. The only variants you might consider are whether it’s a traditional box spring mattress or not, and perhaps different materials like memory foam as stuffing. But the fact is, mattresses and beds have changed throughout history.
Let’s take a look back at the history of the mattress and how it has changed from the earliest sleeping mats to what we know today.
The Oldest Known Mattress
Sleeping mats, which are the earliest form of mattress, have been excavated by researchers in South Africa that date back 77,000 years. Found in the Sibudu Cave in KwaZulu-Natal, the mattress was composed of layers of reeds and rushes, with grasses and leafy plants used as bedding.
These mats were large, measuring about 22 square feet. This was enough to hold an entire family, likely to share body heat during cold nights. The mattresses also had a covering of aromatic leaves called river wild quince, which naturally repel insects like mosquitoes.
Around 73,000 years ago, the bedding was periodically burned, which researchers theorize was meant to get rid of pests and garbage.
Stone Beds of the Neolithic Period
During the Neolithic period (3200-2200 BCE), inhabitants of the Orkney Islands did not have much wood to construct furniture out of. Instead, they used stone for much of their construction, which included beds.
Thankfully, they likely did not simply sleep on slabs of stone. The beds were stone “boxes” built near the hearth in the center of the room. These boxes were theorized to have been stuffed with wool to act as the “mattress.” What’s interesting is that there were often two beds of different sizes. It’s believed that the larger one was for the man, while the smaller one was for the woman. This predates I Love Lucy’s use of separate twin beds for a husband and wife by approximately 5100 years!
Raised Beds and Stone Headrests in Egypt
Meanwhile in 3000 BCE, the Egyptians were making their own beds. One of the oldest civilizations in existence, it’s little surprise that they were ahead of the mattress game. However, private bedrooms are considered a modern concept by many scholars, so it’s likely that “bedrooms” were in fact communal spaces used for gatherings and meetings. Thus, it can be assumed that the raised beds that came to prominence among the ancient Egyptians also served as seating similar to a couch or bench.
The materials of these beds were a good way to determine someone’s status. Most Egyptian beds found are made of wood, but as wood was a fairly precious commodity, the materials would have needed to have been imported. Therefore, plain wood was used for commoners, while those of higher social status had beds made of ebony and covered with gold and jewels with feet carved to look like an animals’. Regardless of status, these raised beds all had the same purpose of keeping insects, snakes, and rodents on the floor and away from sleeping individuals.
The mattress was a large cushion made of wool, while the sheets were linen. The “pillow” was unusual in that it was typically a stone headrest with protective hieroglyphs carved into it. This might seem uncomfortable, but it was actually quite practical. They prevented insects from crawling across the sleeper’s face. It also allowed air currents to flow under the head and keep it cool, which was important for a good night’s sleep in a hot climate.
The First Waterbed
You might believe waterbeds are a modern luxury, but they’ve been around for a while. Between 3600 BCE and 1600 BCE, the Persians created the first waterbed mattress. Made of goatskins filled with water and warmed in the sun, it’s unknown exactly why they were invented. Some researchers theorize that they were designed for the sick and elderly. Others believe they were meant for royalty. Regardless, they were a luxury item that the western world did not recognize the potential of until the 1800s.
Roman Beds
Over in 1000 BCE Rome, the wealthy had started to use raised metal beds, often with silver or gold feet called fulcra. The base of the bed was made of woven metal supports that would hold the mattress. The wealthiest Romans would typically have a cloth mattress stuffed with straw, wool, or feathers.
Those with less money had similar beds, but they were made of wood with ropes or wool string to support the straw-stuffed mattress. The truly poor would have to make do with a woven mat on the floor. People of all statuses usually had blankets made of wool, however.
Medieval Europe and the Invention of the Four-Poster Bed
Now we’re getting closer to beds and mattresses as we know them today. From the 5th century to the 14th century, Medieval Europe was a place of unrest, with many wars, land and power struggles, and other hardships. Thus, furniture needed to be more portable in case one had to up and leave to avoid conflict or lend aid to a king or baron.
In early Saxon times, beds consisted of a board with curtains hung around it for warmth and privacy. Later, things became more elaborate as the Normans brought a more elaborate bed style with them from France. Iron railings were used to hang the thick curtains that typically matched the bed coverings. These gradually developed into the huge four-poster beds we picture today. The beds were an indication of someone’s wealth, with elaborate headboards and curtains made from rich fabrics.
Yet, despite the expensive and decorative hangings and covers, early beds were still based on a mattress of straw. This changed for the wealthy in the 14th century, when featherbeds were introduced. Stuffed with downy feathers, these mattresses provided unheard-of comfort to the rich. Peasants were still relegated to straw, but for the wealthy nobles, a feather mattress was a prized family possession.
Mattresses in the Colonial America
Over in 18th and 19th century America, the colonists continued to sleep in four-poster beds made of sturdy wood. Intricately-carved bed frames would often be handed down as family heirlooms.
The cushioning for the bed of a well-off American was made up of several layers. At the bottom was a simple, firm mattress pad filled with corn husks or horsehair. On top of that was a big featherbed for comfort. As the featherbeds typically sagged and were hard to lie flat on, people slept propped up on feather-filled bolsters and pillows.
If you were wealthy, you might have bought your feather mattresses from someone like Betsy Ross, the seamstress of the American Flag. If you lived on farms, or close to them, you may have made your own from goose and duck feathers.
The Waterbed in Victorian Hospitals
While the waterbed might have been invented in Persia, western society got on board with the concept during the Victorian era. In 1873, Sir James Paget of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital presented to the board a waterbed designed by Neil Arnott. This bed was proposed as a treatment and prevention of pressure ulcers, which are now known as bed sores. Dr. William Hooper of Portsmouth, England also saw the benefits of waterbeds for patients suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.
These beds looked like giant hot water bottles and functioned in a similar manner. Unfortunately, no one could figure out a way to regulate the temperature of the water, making them commercial failures. Only once vinyl was invented in the 1960s did the problem get solved and the waterbed became popular, particularly in the United States.
Mattresses of the Modern Era
Today, we have more variety in terms of materials for our mattresses. Timothy Rose and Platt S. Buell patented a bed spring in 1869, even if it didn’t catch on until the 1950s. Despite this, their work forms the foundation of the modern mattress we now sleep on. Innerspring mattresses and hybrid mattresses alike use the method of having coiled bed springs inside of them to provide support rather than relying solely on condensed materials that can more easily sag.
But mattress technology isn’t just limited to the bed spring. In the 1970s, memory foam was developed under a NASA contract. We have both organic and synthetic materials that can better regulate temperature. We can adjust the firmness of a mattress or provide adjustable bases to provide better back support and alleviate back pain.
Most recently, you can also find electronics in your bed or mattress that connect to your smart device or a specialized remote control. These adjustable bases alter the incline and angle of your mattress to your specifications in order to give you superior comfort. They’re helpful for those who are infirmed, which is why they can often be found in hospitals, but they’re also popular for home usage. Couples who have different sleep needs particularly benefit from it, as it allows them to both sleep in the same bed at their preferred angle and support level. Therefore, no more separate I Love Lucy beds necessary!
Beds and mattresses have come a long way throughout history. No matter the century or culture, mattresses have evolved for the sake of providing mankind a better night’s sleep. If you’re looking for the most comfortable modern mattresses on the market, come to one of Gardner Mattress’ showrooms to test out our organic, innerspring, foam, or latex mattresses.